School Information


Our newsletter is sent electronically via Schoolzine every second Thursday in even weeks of the term.  We also send a Thursday News and Notices on the alternate Thursday in odd weeks to keep you informed of correspondence sent and upcoming dates and information.

Parent Information

This document is compiled at the beginning of each school year and is a quick A-Z reference guide for parents and carers to refer to throughout the year. 


Qkr! (pronounced Quicker) is an app that parents use for various payments. Examples include school uniform, band payments, sushi orders, fundraisers and replacement costs for lost library books. The Year 6 families also use Qkr! to pay for leaver’s T-Shirts and school camp.  The School Association may also use Qkr! for fundraisers such as the annual garden market and tea towel sales.

Uniform Price List

School uniform orders are managed via the school office all throughout the school year. We ask families to use Qkr! to purchase uniform.  Families have the option for the items to be sent home with their child or to arrange collection at the school office.  Qkr! is set up so that you can only purchase the items currently held in stock at school.

Term Dates

2025 School term dates

Term 1: Thursday 6 February to Friday 11 April

Term 2: Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Term 3: Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Term 4: Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December

School Hours and Learning Times for all Students

8:30am Duty of care assumed by the school. Students may play outside or participate in activities in the classroom
9:00am – 11:00am First Learning Block
11:00am – 11:30am Recess
11:30am – 12:50pm Second Learning Block
12:50pm – 1:00pm Supervised Lunch Eating Time
1:00pm – 1:40pm Lunch break
1:40pm – 3:00pm Third Learning block

Please note that we hold our whole school word study group sessions from 2:20pm - 2:40pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

LAUNCHING INTO LEARNING (Birth - 4 years old)

Launching into Learning sessions for our birth to 4 age group are held every Monday in school terms from 9am – 10:45am. The sessions are usually held in the Kinder playground and sometimes off site. You will be required to complete a Launching into Learning Contact Form on your first visit. These forms are required annually. Online sessions are held via the Great Start website.

LIL logo

Launching into Learning starts on Monday 17th February 2025.